Mannan Bhardwaj

44 Murphy Drive

08844 Hillsborough, United States



Hillsborough High School

10th grade

September 2022 – Present

Hillsborough, New Jersey

Specialized Skills

Programming Languages:   Python, C, C++, Javascript, Java, SQL

ML libraries:   Pytorch, Tensorflow, OpenCV, Sklearn

ML skills:   CNNs, RNNs, Transformers, IMAML, GPTs

Other libraries::   Selenium, Matplotlib, Numpy, Pandas

Research Interest

Deep learning applications within cancer research

Virtual personality cloning


An AI medical assistant

  • Leveraged GPT-3.5 for chatbot capabilites
  • Encoded medical data into a vector database
  • Created an interface for users to interact with
Exploration of Meta-Learning

Researched different types of Meta-Learning

  • Looked into fine-tuning, few-shot, transfer-learning and IMAML
  • Created an article summarizing my findings
Exploration of Vector Databases

Researched different types of Meta-Learning

  • Researched different methods and use-cases of vector databases
  • Created a guide on how to utilize vector databases

A library for asyncronous API calls

  • Used asynchronous coding techniques to speed up API calls
  • Implemented API key rotation
  • Auto limited API calls to combat rate-limiting

Professional Experience

Independent Software Developer

SMR Research

  • Created web-scraper
  • Cleaned and preprocessed data for research
  • Created easy-to-use GUI

June 2022 – July 2022

Hillsborough, New Jersey



  • Used GenAI to parse company data
  • Leveraged AI models to transcribe images
  • Generated summaries using Llama

June 2023 – Present

Hillsborough, New Jersey

Awards & Honors

Varsity Robotics

Hillsborough High School


Varsity Marching Band

Hillsborough High School


Articles and Publications

Virtual Cloning

Looked into the use of GPTs in copying someones personality

A Journey Through Neural Compression

Explored how to reduce the amount of redundant neurons in a Neural Network

Prompting LLMs with LLMs

Used Large Language models to come up with effective prompts for themselves

Unlocking the true power of LLMs with Vector Embeddings

A guide on how Vector Embeddings work and how they can be used

Semantic Kernel: An efficient way to integrate AI into your application

An informational article about a new library that allows you to integrate LLMs into applications

MedGPT: Medical knowledge infused with ChatGPT

An article showcasing a specialized GPT-3.5 with medicinal capabilities